PAWS is a tax-exempt 501C3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide and promote compassionate care to dogs and cats in Washington County and to advocate for the humane treatment of all animals.
For us, everything.
Brave Hearts are strayed, abandoned, and abused cats and dogs who endure unthinkable conditions, often at the hands of uncaring people, before they arrive at our door. Brave Hearts are also cats and dogs whose beloved family members are no longer able to care for them as well as those who have gone missing for days, weeks and even months. They share the common bond of being with us through no fault of their own. These courageous animals trust their PAWS family to provide them with the medical, emotional and behavioral care they need to begin their new lives.
Some Brave Hearts live with us longer than others because our compassionate care is centered on the needs of each unique and special animal. It is never based on available space or the obstacles that an animal may need to overcome before they are ready for adoption. This is where you, our Circle of Friends, make the difference! By adopting, volunteering and donating to our cause, you expand our capacity to love and care for animals with complex or special needs within the timeframe that works for them. Once you step through our door, you will see that ours is a welcoming and cheerful home that gives a voice to animals who cannot speak for themselves.
Although PAWS is a tax exempt organization, we do not receive Federal or State funding. Our work is supported by private donors, a community with a big heart for animals. If animal welfare is a cause that inspires you, please help in any way you can.